Oxygen Parks have Miyawaki Tree Plantation in India integrated in the design to create dense parks and give a forest like feel. Depending on the size of the plot, there would be plantation design done to create forest walkways, seat out areas, children play areas, lawn areas, Tree Plantation in India, Forestation in India etc.
In small plots basic design will be adopted including below,
Maximum area of the plot would be covered in dense plantation (80-90%)
Simple walkways would be created
Small seat outs can be created if there are existing trees
In larger plots other amenities will be integrated into the design including below,
Maximum area of the plot would be covered in dense plantation (70-80%)
Individual tree planting areas with trees planted at distance of 6-8 feet
Walkways and seating areas would be created
Lawn areas, children's play areas etc would be created depending on space availability.
Oxygen Park - With Amenities
Science City Oxygen Park was developed in collaboration with Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and funded by The Serenity Trust.
Park Size: 11,000 sq. m.
Trees Planted: 25,000 trees
Timeline: Developed in June 2019; will be opened to public in 2020
Oxygen Park - Basic
Bopal Oxygen Park was developed in collaboration with Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority and funded by Siddhi Priya Developers.
Park Size: 500 sq. m.
Trees Planted: 2,000 trees
Timeline: Developed in July 2019; will be opened to public in 2020
Oxygen Park - Basic
Thaltej Oxygen Park was developed in collaboration with Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and funded by The Ahmedabad Project.
Park Size: 950 sq. m.
Trees Planted: 3,800 trees
Timeline: Developed in September 2019; will be opened to public in 2020
Oxygen Park - Basic
Hebatpur Oxygen Park was developed in collaboration with Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and funded by Saanvi Nirman Developers.
Park Size: 2,600 sq. m.
Trees Planted: 10,800 trees
Timeline: Developed in October 2019; will be opened to public in 2020